The Scary Swine: Our response to the Flu

Oh, see what, a new flu in town, a new disease, Swine Flu. What’s same is our age old response, panic, preparation. Are Indians, after 62 years of independence, destined to die in every new situation of catastrophic nature??? Have a look at the history and you’ll agree to this. All that ‘India Shining’ and Governance for ‘aam admi’ vanishes as soon as we face something new. It’s really very sad that our preparations are so hopeless that a minor swine flu can take so many lives and that too when we saw it coming from the west we before it struck us.
Let us analyze the situation. Most of the government hospitals are, no doubt, hopeless for the common man and the ones which are capable of curing this disease lack initiative and confidence to treat patients. Besides, government is not yet clear about the roles it would assign to private hospitals, god knows what they have to decide on this. Health minister is busy blaming foreign travelers and even the victims for making the situation drastic. Ridiculous, isn’t it?? I am ashamed of the system which allows people of such a low IQ to reach such positions of high responsibility.
Most of the Indians see this as normal. It’s just another disease which will take some lives and then ultimately will be sorted out in a few months just like the plague we suffered a couple of decades back. Great!!! I agree that it will be sorted out in coming months, I m sure we are capable of that. But, do all the times we need to pay such a heavy price??? More than 20 deaths till now and panic all over the country. Is this the way a responsible, would be world power, needs to react. Let me throw some light on China’s stand on the flu. China has, till now, some two thousand odd cases of swine flu infection. Guess what, there has been not a single death due to Swine flu. They have failed the estimations of WHO. What is the reason behind such a great success of China in tackling flu??? It’s their perfect virus detection techniques, Quarantine facilities and most important is their timing.
China has been preparing for this from April of this year when the first swine flu cases came into picture in USA. They planned all the steps to follow in fighting the effect of flu in the country well before time. They scanned every single visitor from west and even launched a manhunt for separating them from common people. They follow rules strictly. They are clear of what they have to do. Well, a lot more comparisons I’ll do in my next post but for now no doubt, they are very well prepared to tackle this flu dilemma.
My only question is to why be us at loss always??? Why don’t we stand for these causes as we stood up after 26/11??? Government hospitals have degraded in quality of service and trust they offer to the common man. Private hospitals charge more to add to the pain of patient in this difficult inflation season.
I hope that now this incident can be an eye-opener for the government of how to do preparations and bring awareness in people bout any such thing in future rather than letting panic strike cities again in future.
