Corruption in Army: Look who is talking!!!

A Soldier Loves by Choice, Lives by Chance and Kills by Profession”. This is the best Description of a soldier I have ever heard. Each word of this saying is true and has a deep meaning. The Indian Army has a glorious history and is the best military organization in the World. It has produced such valiant officers and men that even the Hercules will bow down to their courage on the War Field. We have lost thousands of men in wars and each fallen soldier is a symbol of courage and valor. Indian Army has a unique status in eyes of millions whom they protect. “They are never wrong” is the truth that we all accept.

I always wondered as to why be the army rules different from the civilian regulations. Why do they have a separate court and a separate system to deal with each and every problem?? By and by, I understood that this whole thing is to avoid the common man thinking from creeping into the systematic and mature “Army Structure”. The recent event of top level corruption in the army has even strengthened my opinion. Surprised!!! Yes, this event has strengthened my feeling that civilians, including politicians, should be kept miles away from the army structure.

What a mess they have created. Our so-called educated Defense Minister has shown an immature behavior in dealing with this issue. Our army has been very polite to the political leadership every time in past. This is what it has achieved by this behavior- An army General being directed by a politician, who has never served in armed forces or has never seen any filed action in life. Damn!!!! There’s even more to add. Mr. Minister directed the General to carry out court martial against a highly qualified and experienced officer of the Indian Army. Wow!! Did this “Harishchandra” like thinking of Mr. Minister come out every time someone of his party is charged with corruption?? No. If such a senior officer deserves a court martial then in my gentle opinion all those so-called leaders, who are easily enjoying status of MPs and MLAs, with cases pending against them, should be shot dead. At least, in that case we will not mourn on loss of intellect and valor.

As far as I have known army men, and I bet this is the best one can make out, they are professionals to the core. Even if I come across such news of corruption in army it doesn’t degrades the image of an army men in my eyes. Simply because I know that whatever be the case, an army men will never step back from his duty. He will fight for us till the last drop of his blood. And after all, army men are also humans. They come from amongst us. And for us corruption is nothing new. The point here I want to make is whatever be the case, any kind of civilian and political influence should not be there for the army. This is more demoralizing than the news of corruption.

In this particular case there has been no physical transfer of money between the general and any other party. Even then the media propagated this issue with such hype that the case which could have been solved by a mere sacking of officers went to the doorsteps of General Court Martial. Did the same media ever telecast any Army Day Celebrations?? Have they ever attended funerals of the fallen?? Did they do anything positive for the Army ever?? No, what they remember are the cases in the army that increased their TRP.

This is mere irresponsible behavior from our so called intellectuals both in government and in Media. The impact of the political system has been seen in case of the Police Services. Their reputation in the public is not even worth describing. I know that no one in my country would like the same to happen to the army as well. India has never seen a coup. This is the biggest reason why today the army has been taken for granted by politicians.

Wake up and be disciplined Mr. Minister. You are meddling with Army, not Police.

