My Country: Unexplainable Diversity

“India is a very nice place, for exploring the country you need to plan your travel very well”. This was my suggestion to a friend of mine in Kiev when she asked me about what places she can visit in my country. This was the moment when I truly realized that the vastness of my country is unexplainable.

Here’s some change on this space. I just wanted to share something very recently I experienced, other than current affairs. Something I realized when I came miles away from my country, something which made me feel Indian in a different manner, something that made me realize the uniqueness of India. Though somewhere I knew all these things about my country but some moments here in Kiev have made me brush my memory and bring out these feelings strongly.

I am talking about the feeling of being from a very unique culture, a culture that people across the world see as very ancient. The feeling of being from a country that is full of diversity. People here are amazed when they see Indians using English as mode of communication amongst themselves. It’s not that Indians are not supposed to speak in English but it’s just that they expect foreigners to talk in their regional language, at least amongst themselves. It’s hard to explain them that India has around 30 different languages, and even more, which makes it difficult to interact for people from different parts of the same country.

As per the question my friend asked me I couldn’t tell her at once a specific place to visit. My country has all places that you can imagine. It has beaches, deserts, palaces, churches, temples, monuments, Snow-laden cities, Mountains, rivers and many more. So much diversity forced her to prioritize her choices before travel. I was very much glad to explain all this. The surprising look that I got after all this was an amazing experience. It made me feel unique.

India carries an Image different and better than what I thought it has, at least in this part of the world. It is up to us that how we mould that image. Often I have also come across the questions like “Does Indian Culture still exist in Delhi??” I answer in affirmative. But such questions do make me think for a couple of moment.



  1. 31 states,
    1618 languages,
    6400 castes,
    6 religions,
    6 ethnic groups,
    29 major festivals, and...
    ONE country... Pround to be an INDIAN...JAI HIND!

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